I’m of the strong opinion that region, religion, language, caste, race, and like are all man-made barriers. It is a barrier that gives man a sense of false control. It makes things look limited, though in reality, it is limitless. We do not want to accept that we are no more significant than a stone or a leaf; we are just happening, and that is the purpose. These are all amplified reflections of the man’s ego. His belief in the I. The idea that I am important and things that happen to me are important. If you observe a little closer, you will realize that when you love someone, it’s because of YOU in that equation. When you feel bad about something, it is because of the I in the context. To humans, it is all about I. I don’t know if this is the case with other animals or if it is only a human phenomenon, but it must also have a purpose as it is given to us.
To be free and liberated, one needs to become a child. When a child is born and is very young. There’s no sense of self in him. If he feels hungry, he will cry; if they feel alone, they will call out; if they like something, they will laugh. No inhibitions or no thoughts or past experiences to guide them. This is probably what living in the moment would mean, I suppose? What is the downside of this kind of living? I can’t think of much apart from not being able to do a few things that require practice and memory.
Life starts as a child, but then we collect all this baggage as it is required to navigate and survive. Though everything that we have in this bag is not golden. There are things that are rotting and smelling, and we need to drop them. Just being a child is probably not enough, and this is why life throws education at us 😈. We start with a blank slate, then fill it with everything that we find useful, and then in the final phase of life, we need to shed everything inessential, unlearn all the harmful ways, and become childlike again.
Now you are different from the child because you have memory, skills, and knowledge, but it doesn’t hold you back anymore. You are able to live moment to moment like the child, of course, with the back pain, but you are happy.
I read it somewhere, and it sounded so right:
“Raising a child is life’s second chance to raise ourselves”
So no more wasting of time and back to cleaning our bags and working on ourselves.
I’ve also found some interesting articles that you may like to read further.
[1] https://nikkibush.com/fix-yourself-fix-your-child/
[2] https://heatherplett.com/2019/08/wounded-parent-raising-kids-healing-work/
[4] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/raising-ourselves-so-we-can-best-raise-our-kids-susie-barolo/
[5] https://www.shellyrobinson.com/how-to-begin-reparenting-yourself/