The Cauldron of Life

Don't Hold the High

Who doesn’t like the day when we are all high and happy? It is in such moments we feel complete and so satisfied. I’m glad that I’ve had those days in my life. But there is something else which follows just after this high and it’s the desire to hold it. We just want to stay in the same state and hold on to it and never let it go. Do we really think that we can do that? Just let things be. When it’s sunshine bath yourself in sun and when it’s rainy bath yourself in rain.

You might question what’s wrong if one desires to stay in the perfect state anyways? To answer that we need to first acknowledge the fact that nothing in this world is permanent. Which is true for the current moment and our feeling. The person or the feeling making you so warm and high may not do the same after some days or weeks or months. Accepting the fact that the change is the only thing permanent will bring about a lot of peace in life. In fact, it will make you feel alive. When you really accept this fact and know nothing can be forever you realize your loved ones are not going to be there forever and you feel like expressing gratitude and love. You realize you are not going to stay here forever and you love yourself for that. You know this time you have is precious and it’s the best place you can be.

Also when we try to hold on to the moment we cling to it and cry when it’s not there anymore. We feel sad when we don’t feel the same way and crave it. It makes us do silly things. Just don’t do that. Be alive. Live all the feeling to the core. Feelings themselves are not bad, it’s our inability to handle it well, think through it rationally and take the hard steps to fix the issue at root.

Life is a rollercoaster, just don’t try to hold the high. It’s the high and the low together that makes the ride fun. :)