Some days are better than some other days

It is rightly said that some days are better than others. Today was one of such days. I haven’t achieved a lot though but yes it is a lot better than the unproductive streak that I had since last few weeks. Yesterday I gave some thought to uncertainty in life and how it affects my decision making, maybe that helped me get some clarity.

If I were asked to list down my achievements today, they would be:

  • Wake up early, around 9 :P
  • Feel at peace throughout the day(mostly)
  • Do some work, I was able to connect with client and write some real code after a while
  • Eat on time, this started bad, as I skipped my breakfast but lunch and dinner were on time
  • And now I am here writing this post

I believe that there is nothing more relaxing than a long ride with a good friend, laugh your heart to its content, make fun of each other, boast what you’ve learned in the days you were away and what not. Having friends is a blessing and according to me, a friend is anyone with whom we smile. I feel blessed that I’ve such people in my life. If you know how it feels to be lonely you will understand me. Sometimes when the people you call friends are the one who hurt you, it can get difficult. I’ve learned that we all have a positive and a negative side. We are humans, not selfless saints. We have a heart, a way of thinking and how we see things. Just remember if we never do wrong with others we will never be wronged. There is nothing like wrong or right friends. It is us who change. With every passing moment, we are a different person. As we gain experience and see more of this world, we realize what’s good for us and gravitate towards that. And when the time comes when you need to evolve into a better version of yourself, you’ll have to change your company. Yes, this might sound non-confirming and very brute but that is how life is. We can, of course, choose to reject the calling and stay the way we are but I think that would be a waste of this wonderful life. Come back to these friends when you have evolved and you will see the decision you took was best for all. Your courage to go ahead and take the hard choice is what will differentiate you in your life. In fact, you will also help your friends move out of their cocoon and be a better version of themselves.

Friendship is when two people smile together

There is also the topic of pace of life. Sometime back when I was working hard, waking up daily, going to the office and doing the daily chores without any known end. Life had lost its lustre then. It was boring, monotonous and time seemed to fly by. Now when I have halted and see things and take time, I realize that it was my own action that made the time fly by. If you have ever felt that weekends just pass by, trust me I am still ecstatic that it’s just Saturday today. I don’t know how things will turn out for me in the future but I firmly believe, whatever happens, happens for good. I am learning that we should value whatever we have. May it be time, family, pet, plant or anything, they all are part of us and we can choose to be happy with it. :)