What Would I Say Before Goodbye?

If you know today is the last time you will see people you love and it’s a bye forever. Who would you want to see and what would your last words be for them? I’m writing this on a plane. Sometimes I get afraid of the height and the reality that this could be the last ride of my life but yet I survive and keep going. I wanted to write down these thoughts and all the people I could think of in that last day. There were not many people to list down! Also this list is in not in any order but the order in which they came to my mind. ...

October 24, 2024 · Cauldron of Life

Living the Remote Life

Life is confusing! Isn’t it? We envy what we don’t have, and what we have becomes worth pebbles. I started working remotely in 2017, way before when working from home was a thing. Friends and family were almost sure that I was unemployed and probably ran some scam racket and peddled drugs. They had no other answer on how I was staying at home, chilling and still getting a decent amount of money flowing into my bank account. 🤷‍♂️ ...

November 29, 2023 · Cauldron of Life

Question I Ask Myself on The Brink of 30

Life is interestingly chaotic. We die for that which we don’t have and then get bored of that same thing when we get it. I sometimes feel that what we want is a pursuit of something. The struggle and hard work make us feel whole. In the journey, we forget everything and focus on achieving that goal. This brings me to thinking - what do I want from life now? I have a loving family, a beautiful wife, a house to live in, a car that drives well, and now a child that won’t let me sleep(or let my wife sleep). ...

September 30, 2023 · Cauldron of Life

When your dog is not perfect 🐶

Life is imperfect, and things usually don’t turn out how we want, and the same seems to have happened with me and my dog. They say that every dog has a different personality, but there are days when I feel I have been shortchanged for a bad apple. 😅 You may ask what’s wrong with my dog, but that’s for later. My dog is almost 3 years, and you may be asking why I am bringing this up. What does it have to do with life? I would say - a lot. ...

June 28, 2023 · Cauldron of Life

Retire at 30! Then What?

The dream of being financially free and retiring is dear to every working human, but if you ask them what they will do with their retirement, that is not clear. At least not to the majority. This creates a problem in fulfilling the dream. If we could clearly visualize what we wanted, we could undoubtedly get it. I think that’s true. Not because of some cosmic power that would bring us closer to the goal but because clarity empowers action. ...

November 19, 2022 · Cauldron of Life

What Kills Communication?

I have always wondered why it’s complicated to talk to a person close to us but so exciting to open up to a random stranger we just connected with? We always emphasise that communication is the key to any relationship, but we end up struggling for a conversation. Fear of Being Judged When we talk to someone we already know, we fear being judged. People always judge! Maybe we are trying to be better, and our past actions do not coincide with the newer self. ...

February 26, 2022 · Cauldron of Life

Human Networks

Networking must have been essential to human evolution. It is a tool that enables us to do things that we cannot do alone. When humans were still evolving, networking was a necessity, but today it’s a skill we must have to prosper in our community. What do you need to get good at building networks? Today I want to explore a set of questions sitting in the back of my head. Why do we connect with some people and not with others? What qualities make us feel that it’s worthwhile relating to someone? And more importantly, what qualities should a person possess so that other human beings desire them. ...

February 20, 2022 · Cauldron of Life

Letter of Love

Hello Pikachu, Do you know a sure way to tell if someone is in love? In love, a person becomes hopelessly romantic and crave a medium to let it out. They express their emotions through poetry, songs and letters and I’m writing this to you. You are the piece peace of me that I’ve been looking for. I’ve been blessed with an almost perfect life and you just took away the almost. Maybe it was my heart that didn’t let it be perfect? Or maybe it was yours that was designed to fit in that cage better? I don’t know but you did well, taking mine away and leaving me yours. ...

March 19, 2021 · Cauldron of Life

The Last Breath

It is said that we are ignorant and we have stopped thinking about the inevitable end but I think we haven’t. Instead, I believe we understand it’s certainty and we avoid spending energy thinking about it. We know that an end will come but we don’t like to imagine when or how painful it would be to die but we are sure that it will. Grief is a natural response to a personal loss. When you lose someone who is never going to come back the same way it can be devastating. Death hurts and grief is a natural response to it. Shed tears, dump your heart out and do everything that needs to be done. Such a loss can be shared with other loved ones, who are grieved by your grief. Lucky are those who have someone around them who can share their grief, otherwise, to the world, it’s all a mocking game, generally. Blessed are those who feel pained from the pain of others. They are the saviours, saving this world from becoming an orphanage. Only this true care for another being is what makes a family otherwise everyone is selfish to some degree and then what else should I call this world if not an orphanage. ...

February 26, 2021 · Cauldron of Life

Capitalism is Not Life

I completed reading Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari and what a read it has been. It was long but the wisdom I gathered is baffling. I am very sceptical when famous people like Elon Musk and Bill Gates recommend a book but I did read this one and it has been an eye-opener. There is one topic which Harari talks about a lot and that is Capitalism. And in this article, we’ll see how too much of it is ruining our life. ...

December 24, 2020 · Cauldron of Life